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Belonging, Being & Becoming

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All children experience learning that is engaging & builds success for life.

At Eastwood Early Education we utilise a number of core documents to ground our planning. Across all ages this includes the Early Years Learning Framework, Belonging, Being & Becoming”.  This refers to how a child from even before birth is linked to family, community, culture and place. Through these relationships a child's development and learning takes place as they begin to explore, develop interests, create their own identity and make meaning of the world around them.

A vision for children's learning

What we provide

Our centre is intended to cater for the educational and care needs of children. Second to this is to support the needs of busy families. For this reason we have included many of our services as part of an all-inclusive package at Eastwood Early Education. 

Open 51 weeks a year Closed on public holidays and the week between Christmas and New Year
Educational Programs Including gym, music, art, technology, library & language, taught by qualified staff
Our Extras Breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea as well as Nappies, Wipes and creams
Outdoor Supplies Sun safe hats, sunscreen & insect repellent
Cot Sheets Supplied for children under 15 months
SID monitors Plus alarms are used in the nursery when very young infants are sleeping


Water bottle
Sheets for children over 15 months (cot sheet) 
Change of clothes

We ask that you clearly label with child's name any  items that can be removed from a bag or your child, such as dummies, sheets, shoes.

Beginning & settling in at Eastwood

Childcare Transition

Attending childcare for the first time, or moving to a new centre is a major event in the family calendar. 

The transition impacts parents just as much as children. It is important to recognise the need for time for both of you to settle and become comfortable at Eastwood Early Education. 

We encourage you to visit the centre for a play a couple of times prior to commencing your permanent days. This enables families to become familiar with routines and get to know new friends and teachers. 

On your first day, please stay as long as you feel you or your child require and call throughout the day, as often as you need in order to calm yourself. We will also contact you to let you know how your child has settled in.

Please be assured that we will not allow a child to remain upset for a long period of time before contacting you. 

There is no golden rule as to how long children take to settle in. Many factors, such as how many days each week the child attends, have an impact on the speed of this process. Please be patient and communicate your thoughts and concerns with staff. 

Here for you



Preparing for the transition

Unique Program Delivery

Accomplished by utilising our extensive facilities.

We offer a unique school readiness program, developed in collaboration with local schools. Our Bachelor qualified teachers deliver programs that support children’s holistic learning, including social and emotional resilience and independence. Through our unique program, children are exposed to the social etiquette and expectations of school in short periods. Our teachers also foster positive relationships with families and support children in preparation for the transition to school.

Not just reading and writing

Kindy Classroom

Our main kindy classroom where children engage in play based learning with curriculum infused into a fun, nurturing & responsive environment.

Level Up

In the upstairs "school room" is a purposefully designed space that seeks to replicate a school classroom.

School Room

At the beginning of the Kindy year children visit the "school room" for 20 minutes a day. This extends to over an hour by the end of the year.

Early Learning Curriculum

National Quality Framework

In 2012  the National Quality Framework (NQF) was introduced across Australia to improve quality education and care in the Early Years.

Under the NQF banner sits our Children’s Services National Law and Regulations, The National Quality Standard (NQS) and the approved curriculums of Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) & Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guidelines (QKLG).

Eastwood is licenced under this Law and seeks to exceed the National Quality Standards in its practices.

We undergo a Rating and Assessment process by the Department of Education. Eastwood Early Education is currently rated as Meeting the National Quality Standards.

Our Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) outlines our strengths and limitations, and a strategic approach to the critical reflective processes we undertake to seek improvement. 

Room to grow

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